Energy In Food


How will we set up the experiment? (Continued)

That seems like a lot.  over 1000 calories in one peanut.  That would mean that you could get all your energy for the day from eating two peanuts.  That's rediculous, of course.  

The reason is that when we talk about food energy, we always talk in kilocalories or kcal.  Some people (including the people who make food packaging) write "Cal" with a big 'c' for kilocalories instead of kcal because it is shorter. 

So, in fact, the peanut in this example has 1050 cal or 1.05 kcal.  In other words, about 1 Cal (with a capital 'c', meaning kcal or thousands of calories, the kind we usually see in food). 



Some practical advice

When doing this experiment, please be very careful about the flames.  Do not leave your table unattended.

Don't put your hands too close to the open flame of your peanut or of your Bunsen burner like these students.


Also, this can be a very messy experiment.  Please do not make a big mess on your desks like these students did.