

Other school-related sites:

Videos online:     

Here are some of the links I have used with my classes:

Safe, appropriate sites for young people:

  • Kids sites from Get Net Wise (see below)
  • The American Library Association's 700+ Great Sites -  Amazing, spectacular, colorful web sites fro kids and the adults who care about them.

Internet Use:

  • Get Net Wise - online safety guidelines. Discusses the risks of meeting people online, loss of privacy, law breaking, inappropriate material, reliability of information, drugs online, etc.  Includes tips and guides for kids and parents.

Web sites made by friends and family:


I created all these pages using FrontPage 2000. Some examples of HTML code were taken from the 24-hour HTML Café. I also have grabbed some Java scripts from Joe Burns' excellent JavaScript Repository.


Please contact me if you have suggestions for links you think would interest me.

© A.W. Damon 2011


Last modification: 2011-05-23

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