Study Skills Guide

(E) Presentation of your work


(1)  When you begin a piece of work on file paper you should put your name, class and date in the top right hand corner. Underline them, using a ruler.

(2)  Write the heading and underline it, using a ruler. (The heading is the subject name.)

(3)  Underneath the heading, write the title of the piece of work and underline it, using a ruler.


Example of the top of a homework paper:

Adam Fenton


Friday 19 February 2002


Natural Science

Living and Non-Living Things





(4) If you are using an exercise book there is no need to write your name, class, date or subject. However, you should give each piece of work a title.


(5) If you are asked to present your work in table (tableau) form, use a pencil and a ruler to draw the table. make sure that your table is complete - it should have four, joined sides - an example is shown below:

Living Non-living but once part of a living thing Non-living and never part of a living thing
apple coal sand
rose woolen sweater light bulb
mushroom silk scarf copper jug
mouse paper bag glass jar


(6) If you are asked to draw something, perhaps a map or some scientific apparatus, always draw using a sharp drawing pencil. Never draw in ink.

(7) If you are answering a question from a textbook put the number of the page where the question is found and the question number, in the margin.


P. 45 Ques. 2


(8) When you answer a question, try to use a complete sentence.


Question: What is a vertebrate?

Answer (incorrect): has a backbone

Answer (correct): It is an animal with a backbone.


(9) Always follow the instructions your teacher gives you in class as well as those which are given in the question.

(10) Make sure that your writing is legible (readable).

(11) Do not use "white-out" ("Tipex"). If you make a mistake, put a line through the word or sentence neatly, using a ruler, and write the correction above, or next, to it. If you make a lot of mistakes then start your work again.

(12) It is also important that you make your numbers clear in mathematics or in science. When you need to show a column of numbers, make sure that the columns are aligned.



The numbers below are lined up incorrectly The numbers below are lined up correctly
2 0 9 . 7
3 7
0 . 0 9 8
4 5 . 7 8
2 0 9 . 7
3 7
0 . 0 9 8
4 5 . 7 8


(13) Always show the unit which your number(s) represent.


Incorrect: The mass of the book is 500.

Correct: The mass of the book is 500g.

Be careful! If you leave out the unit, your answer could be marked wrong even though the number is correct.


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© A.W. Damon 2011


Last modification: 2011-03-01